If your fridge or washing machine breaks down, it can be hard to find the money quickly to replace it. A Our Newham Money Standard Loan can help you with:

  • White goods and household items
  • Other essential purchases
  • Debt consolidations (to put all your debts into one loan)

With a Our Newham Money Standard Loan, you can borrow up to £1,500 at affordable rates for essential expensive one-off purchases.

Standard Loan


*Terms and conditions apply, this loan calculator is to be used as a rough guide only, not a factual representation. Please consult a specialist to learn more.


You need to be:

  • A Newham resident
  • A member of Our Newham Money – (you can register in-store)

Our Newham Money Standard Loan is provided by London Community Credit Union (LCCU), a lender you can trust.

Our Newham Money loans through London Community Credit Union are much cheaper than many other providers.

There are lots of other member benefits with Our Newham Money LCCU loans, such as Free Loan Protection Insurance, negotiable repayment terms and interest on the reducing balance of your loan.

This means your interest repayments will get smaller as your loan is reduced. LCCU will also work to help you if your circumstances change, and your loan will be totally written off if you die.


To apply for a loan online, or in store, you'll need the following:

  • Proof of identification e.g. a passport or driving licence
  • Proof of address e.g. a recent utility bill, rent book, council tax letter or mortgage statement
  • Proof of national insurance number e.g. wage slip or benefits letter
  • Last three months bank statements for ALL bank accounts held
  • Last three months payslips (even if paid weekly or fortnightly)
  • Proof of any other income (e.g. benefit award letters)
  • Current statements for all of the following if you have them: loans / mortgage / credit cards / catalogues / other debts / borrowings
  • If you are seeking a loan for Debt Consolidation supporting evidence will be required – Full details and letters will be required

If you need support or help scanning in your documents you can contact us to book an appointment with an adviser..

* By undertaking this application you agree that your information will be shared between the London Borough of Newham and London Community Credit Union. For more information about data sharing click here.


Information which you provide or which we obtain through your dealings with us will be held securely with Our Newham Money. We will use your information as applicable and this may include:

  • Keep in contact with you and provide you with the best service you deserve
  • Our Newham Money may pass your personal data to London Community Credit Union when you have applied for a loan through Our Newham Money
  • Inform you of suitable information or support which may be available
  • Our Newham Money may refer you to other organisations where we feel you may benefit from their services and we may pass your details to them
  • Debt counselling or other specialist service providers if needed
  • The Department for Work and Pensions or HM Revenue and Customs
  • Data Processors who act on our behalf
  • Produce reports and statistics relating to Our Newham Money activities
  • We retain personal information for as long as is necessary
  • Tell us immediately if there is a change in your circumstances
  • To find out more about how we process personal information, please read our Privacy & Data Processing Notice

By submitting a loan application, you are giving your consent/agreeing to your personal information being used in this way.

We work in partnership with London Community Credit Union (LCCU) to offer residents better deals on financial products as well as help with debts and money management.


We work in partnership with London Community Credit Union (LCCU) to offer residents better deals on financial products as well as help with debts and money management.